5860 Labath Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928
This training is designed for people who facilitate parent groups of programs that are implementing the CA Teaching Pyramid. The CA Teaching Pyramid for Families Modules are based on the CA Teaching Pyramid, which is a systematic framework adapted by the California Collaborative on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CA CSEFEL) that incorporates a tiered approach to assisting families promote healthy social-emotional development, provide support for children’s appropriate behavior, teach skills to prevent challenging behavior, and address problematic behavior. There are a series of six sessions available to use with parents. The SELPA will be collaborating with WestEd San Marcos who will provide a one-day “training of facilitators” to appropriate parent meeting facilitators for conducting the parent groups. The first part of the day reviews many of the foundational CA Teaching Pyramid concepts with participants. They will have an opportunity to practice facilitating the second half of the day and gain more understanding of the materials. These materials will also be available in Spanish. The program(s) receiving the training should identify teams of two individuals who can conduct groups for parents or family members.